Old News 11/2017: Our paper "The Shape of Art History in the Eyes of the Machine" got accepted at AAAI 2018 09/2017: Program Committee member CVPR18 07/2017: In 2017, I have 2 CVPR (first/co-first author), 1 AAAI (first author), 1 TPAMI (first author), 1 ICCC, 1 book chapter 2017 (first author), 1 US patent, organizing closing the loop between vision and language 2017. 06/2017: US Patent accepted http://www.freepatentsonline.com/y2017/0132526.html 05/2017: We will be organizing the second workshop on Closing the loop between Vision and Language link 03/2017: Two papers accepted to CVPR17 03/2017: Program Commitee member in Workshop of Large Scale Biometrics : http://isse.cqu.edu.cn/lssb/ 02/2017: 6DS (28K images) and LSC (814K images) datasets was released. That was part of the sherlock project. The trained model2 on LSC is also available. see https://sites.google.com/site/mhelhoseiny/sherlock_project 12/2016: code released, SMTGP (published at the Machine Learning Journal 2015) code released https://sites.google.com/site/mhelhoseiny/computer-vision-projects/structured-regression 11/2016: (first author) AAAI 2017 paper accepted for publication, "Sherlock: Scalable Fact Learning in Images" ![]() 11/2016: (first author) TPAMI paper accepted for publication 08/2016: ACL 2016 VL presentation of our work on collecting hundreds of thousands of high quality annotations from image-caption datasets. "Automatic Annotation of structured Facts in Images". The evaluation shows that the precision is >80%. Dataset released link 07/2016: Received offers from Adobe Research, PostDocs at Stanford Univeristy, University of Torronto, and Facebook AI Research 06/2016: Visiting Facebook 06/2016: Presenting our paper at ICML16, "A Comparative Analysis and Study of Multiview CNN Models for Joint Object Categorization and Pose Estimation" 05/2016: Talk and a Poster at the Mid-Atlantic Computer Vision Workshop (MACV), 2016 at JHU link 04/2016: 1 paper accepted to ICML16 (first-author)!, acceptance rate 24.5% 04/2016: Visiting Disney Research Pittsburgh 04/2016: Visiting UC Berkeley EECS 04/2016: Attending ICLR16 (presenting 1 conference paper (co-first author) and 1 workshop presentation (first-author) ), conference acceptance rate 25%. 04/2016: Attending CVPR16 (presenting 1 conference paper and a Doctoral Consortium poster) 04/2016: CVPR16 Doctoral Consortium award! 04/2016: ICLR16 Travel Award! 03/2016: 1 paper accepted to CVPR 2016, "SPDA-CNN: Unifying Semantic Part Detection and Abstraction for Fine-grained Recognition". 02/2016: 1 paper accepted to ICLR 2016, "Digging Deep into the layers of CNNs: In Search of How CNNs Achieve View Invariance" 11/2015: 1 paper accepted to WACV 2016, "Joint Object Recognition and Pose Estimation using a Nonlinear View-invariant Latent Generative Model" 10/2015: 1 paper accepted to AAAI 2016, "Zero Shot Event Detection by Multimodal Distributional Semantic Embedding of Videos" 12/02/2015 We finalized the program for ICCV15 workshop on Closing the loop between Vision and Language, Chile, Dec 17, 2015. link 11/12/2015 Our paper "Zero Shot Event Detection by Distributional Semantic Embedding of Videos" has been accepted in AAAI-16. 10/22/2015 Our paper "Joint Object Recognition and Pose Estimation using a Nonlinear View-Invariant Latent Generative Model" has been accepted in WACV16. 10/05/2015 Call for extended abstracts for ICCV15 workshop on Closing the loop between Vision and Language, Chile, Dec 17, 2015. https://sites.google.com/site/clvlworkshop/. Tentative deadline for abstracts is 10/30/2015. 07/01/2015 Our paper "Overlapping Domain Cover for Scalable and Accurate Kernel Machines" got accepted in BMVC 2015 (oral) 06/10/2015 Our workshop proposal "Closing the Loop Between Language and Vision" got accepted at ICCV 2015. We are inviting full papers in this area. 06/01/2015 Our paper "Weather Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks" got accepted in ICIP 2015 (oral) 04/12/2015 Our manuscript "Generalized Twin Gaussian Processes using Sharma-Mittal Divergence" got accepted in the International Machine Learning Journal, Springer. The manuscript will be presented at ECMLPKDD 2015 (Journal Track), Porto, Portugal. Journal Track of ECMLPKDD is usually <10% acceptance rate. 03/02/2015 Our paper "Learning Hypergraph-regularized Attribute Predictors" got accepted in CVPR15 01/10/2015 Our manuscript "Text to Multi-level MindMaps: A Novel Method for Hierarchical Visual Abstraction of Natural Language Text" got accepted in the International Journal of Multimedia Tools and Applications. 08/15/2014 , Received a best Intern award, Silver at SRI International (below is a picture with Prof. Rakesh Kumar, the president of SRI-International, Princeton), ![]() 08/01/2014, Received Travel Grant by my department for ICIP 2014 06/19/2014, An NSF proposal by my advisor based on our "Write a Classifier" ICCV13 results got accepted by NSF and we received about 500,000$ from which my PhD thesis is funded this year. You can see that the proposal title has same name. http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/news/articles/2014/06/19/prof-elgammal-awarded-nsf-grant/ 06/01/2014, A paper has been accepted to ICIP14. 03/15/2014 , I am going to a summer intern for 2014 at SRI-International, Vision and Learning Group 10/30/2013, Travel Award by PAMI 450$ for ICCV13 10/01/ 2013, A Workshop short paper at VisDA workshop at ICCV13 08/30/ 2013, A paper has been accepted in ICCV13 08/15/2013, Won the travel award from Rutgers to Melbourne to present my ICIP13 paper A paper has been accepted in CVPRW, SISM, 04/27/ 2013, "MultiClass Object Classification in Video Surveillance Systems - Experimental Study", CVPRW,SISM, 2013 A paper has been accepted in ICIP, 2013, titled "Low-Bitrate benefits of JPEG Compression on SIFT Recognition" |